
Oh yeah, I forgot. I owe you some rants.

So, clearly Karl Rove needs to go. You've heard enough of the headlines to get the message - he leaked sufficient classified information to screw a couple over. He covered it up. The cover up relates to nuclear weapons in Iraq, and that there were none. We all know Bush lied, on purpose, or by "accident" in the now infamous Iraq war justification SOTU speech. There's plenty of duplicity to go around. But, just as it looks like Rove might take some serious front line heat, Bush nominates his supreme court candidate. Intially Roberts looks bad, but perhaps palatable, but it would appear that his Federalist membership, and his significant role in the 2000 Florida election scandal (or, "recount" as the other side refers to it) as a top republican team player make him look considerably more frightening. I watched Sen. Chuck Shumer discuss nominee Robert's evasivenesss to direct questions on C-SPAN the other day (go here and scroll down to use RealPlayer). It looks like we are in for a long, drawn out fight, and hence the "cover up Rove with a giant smokescreen" appears to be working.

One good source for some of this rant is from another great blog: Daily Kos

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