
Contest Winner for Onion-esqe Headlines

OK, there were nto an enormous number of entries, but among the 5 entries in the "Interview for the Onion" post, I, chief judge and referee, choose the entry from Crazy Moss Lady:

"Bush Admits Iraq Invasion Was a Typo; He Meant Iran."

For the rest of the entrants, don't feel badly, there were a lot of qualified candidates, yada-yada. Crazy Moss Lady is celebrating her birthday today - Happy Birthday! You win!!!

Time for a new contest, later this week. I'll lead off with a few headlines to get the juices flowing...(in the next post)

Racing Plans
This weekend I have the Green Valley TT (PDF). 12 miles on the same course as the Icebreaker TT. The goal is to be under 30 min, ideally closer to 28 minutes. I'm stoked, but the legs are tired from recent training, so we'll see. I've got a few days, and today is a day off. I played soccer for 90 minutes on last Thursday and the legs haven't been strong since. I got in a nice 50 miler on Sunday, but yesterday I felt trashed.

And, April is almost over and I haven't done the 40k test for this month. The TT might have to do double duty, since it is roughly 20k in length.

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