

It was icy yesterday, and I experienced my first incident on my bike commute to work. I had just come down a short hill into a parking lot and swerved to avoid some metal plates that I assumed would be slippery. Trouble is, the pavement next to the plates was also slippery and I went down in an instant. My right hand hit first, then my hip. The hip seemed the worst, but I got back on the bike and continued to work (I was almost there). When I took a shower, I saw there was a small scrape on the hip, but not larger than two large bandaids. But, over the course of the day my right hand got more stiff and puffy. My range of motion went from normal to extremely limited by about 2 PM. My doc was out, but my good friend and chiropractor Gentry McGrath got me in and sent me out for x-rays. Above you can see the result - a small fracture of the triquetrum indicated by the red arrow. I'll find out more from a hand orthopedist on Monday.

Guess I'll be a runner for the rest of February...got in 4.5 miles today after work. Didn't bother the wrist at all, so that seems like a good sign.