
No Race for Me Today

I had already mentally bailed on the North Shore road race I'd been training for specifically, so when I awoke this morning to blue skies out our bedroom window I was quite shocked and saddened. However, once I looked out the other side of the house I saw the blue patch was an anomaly. I booted up the internet, and breathed a sigh of relief that the forecast had actually gotten worse. It was too late for me to leave and make it to the start, anyway. I even already had an email from Tim and Blake on my team that included this picture:
They turned around as well. It sounds like a few others braved on and made it to registration, but the race was not to be.

So, after Emy's piano lessons and grocery shopping, I headed out for a training ride that I hoped would be nearly as hard as the race, albeit shorter in length. Unfortunately, after 14 miles of some great high cadence hill climbing, I got a flat (if you're riding on the Eastside, avoid Avondale - the bike lane is paved with broken glass right now). Since the flat used up my spare tube, and somehow ended up requiring a frustrating 10 minutes to repair (don't ask - OK, I was sweating like a pig in the hot sun and could not get the tire on the rim - quite a change from the morning weather), I opted to ride to the Sammamish Trail and do some short duration intervals - it's now time to focus on the track season. I got in a nice series of 2/1/2/1/2/1 minutes each with equal rest intervals, spinning at 120 or higher cadence, and a long 20 minute zone 3 interval at a cadence of 110 on the way back home. I felt super strong the whole ride - it's really a bummer that I didn't get to race today, since it was my only targetted road race of the season before track season begins in May.

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