
Long time no post
I apologize to the three or four of you out there who have been anxiously awaiting a new post. But, the good news is, I have something significant to report! I had a job interview with Microsoft in Redmond, WA, my former team, and accepted a nice offer yesterday. So, after wrapping up the PhD in early summer, we will be back in Washington and start the next (restart the previous?) chapter of our life. Emy has gone from being a little sad to a little interested, so hopefully we will be doing this move at a "good" time before she gets too settled in. I hope that the separation from her friends is less traumatic than it could be. All we can hope is that Washington is an exciting enough place that her good friends and their families might be interested in visiting us! And, we can hope that Bree's brother Dustin and wife Billie might continue the talk of moving to Seattle as well. Then, if we can find jobs for the grandparents, maybe our extended family will surround us once again? You hear me?

On my trip out there for the job interview, I had a great time with our friend Jeff. Highlights included chipping a giant brushpile with a Fargo-esqe chipper for like 5 hours, and going to an authentic tavern of the redneck kind. While there, I unseated the dude who had been running the pool table and took over for a short while until I was beat by a guy I can only call viva Las Vegas. In addition to fun with Jeff, I managed to see Tower of Power at Jazz Alley in Seattle with my old manager and friend, Peter. I'm not much of a jazz aficionado, but these guys were really great. It capped off the interview day in a fantastic way.

I'll try to get back to more regular posting. Really I will :-)

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