
It's Official
I am now middle aged. I found a grey hair. On my arm. Not on my head. I studied it for at least 10 minutes while I waited for the bus to ascertain whether or not it is bleached-blond from the sun, or an actual, honest-to-goodness, well earned by life experience, grey hair.

Then I found another on the other arm.

Thankfully, I recently shaved my legs so as to maintain my elitist standing among the recreational cyclists on the Sammamish River Trail (a.k.a., the Burke Gilman Trail). While I was at it, I shaved my chest and back (this required help). It's amazing how much stronger you look without all that body hair covering it up. So, the lack of body hair relieves me of finding any more greys (I plucked the two arm hairs).

Is this because I am back in the corporate world?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Say it isn't so! Why would you try to tame the stallion?