
Its COLD, but that means I'm a wimp

I'm from Minnesota. It gets cold there in the winter (well, it used to, until Dubya created global warming). Really cold. Yesterday the temp was 23.9 F and I opted to take the bus to work. Mondays are my running day, so I didn't feel too guilty about not riding to work. But, after work there's a big letdown when I walk to the bus. Why a letdown? Because the bus is never there. Yesterday I was attempting to catch the 545 bus from the Overlake Transit Center at 4:08 PM. I left my desk at 3:56 PM, and I know it takes me 7 minutes at my usual brisk walking pace to get to the bus stop. As I waited to cross 156th Ave to get to the transit center, about 50 meters from the bus stop, I see the bus pull up and right on through. It didn't stop, because there was no one waiting, and it was MLK day, so all reasonable employers give you the day off to reflect upon the wonderful civil rights we enjoy in this country (even white males like me). I'm sure this was running through the drivers mind as he rolled through the stop at 4:03 PM and continued on. I watched helplessly, opting not to play frogger with the crazy driving of my fellow micro$ofties. I resigned myself to the 4:23 bus and sauntered slowly to the stop. It was warm (above 40 F) and sunny, and not having my bicycle, simply for the convenience of departing when I wanted, sucked. When I got home, I suited up for a run. The house was lonely, since Bree, Emy and Bree's parents went to the ocean for the day:
Despite my best efforts, I failed to find them a decent place to eat in Aberdeen, WA on the way home (Bree called me at work requesting an immediate Googling).

Today the temperature was 22.8 F out, but that wasn't going to stop me. I suited up, and added a neck warmer as a concession to the cold in addition to the same outfit I would use for riding in 40 F. When I rolled out of the garage, I was shocked at the impact of the cold on my recently shorn head. Usually I head North on the Sammamish R. Trail for at least 10 minutes before turning around and heading to work, but today my toes got cold after the first 3 minutes, so I cut it short. I guess I've adapted to the temperature here, since 20's would be a lovely high temperature in Minnespolis in January.

Of course, on the ride home it was warm and sunny (at least for January in Redmond), and I got in some great tempo riding (20 minutes at just below 160 bpm on the HR monitor), plus four "spinups" with 2 min rest in between. I love spinups. To do a spinup, you put yourself in an easy gear (39x15) and then pedal faster and faster until your cadence is so high you start bouncing. Of course, the smoother you are as a pedaler, the higher the cadence gets. I don't have a cadence measure on my bike computer, but I maxed out the 39x15 at 29 mph and had an imperceptible bounce. I'd estimate my cadence was between 150 and 180. I think that bodes well for the track season, and hopefully suggests I have my bike position close to spot on.

Tomorrow the low is supposed to be again in the 20's. And you thought it didn't get cold here! Oh wait - that's not cold!

1 comment:

Bree said...

Oh yes, it gets cold here. I need a 70-degree day!