
Bike Fit and Lego Fun

A Day Off, and fun with childhood toys
Today I took the day off to get a bike fit from Erik Moen, which included new custom insoles and a slight tweak to my right cleat. I'm a bit hypersensitive to my bike fit, and have been fiddling for what is going on seven years now since I last felt "perfect" on a bike. After the fit, I went for a 25 mile jaunt on the Burke-Gilman and so far, so good. It was a nice excuse for a day off from work at the evil empire.

I'll get to the promised next chapter in my bicycle racing history (The College Years) soon, but I've been preoccupied lately since Emy has rekindled my love for playing with Lego blocks. She and I flew to Iowa to visit my mom and the rest of the Beecher clan for Thanksgiving, and while there we played with Legos and my dad's (and now mine) slot car racing set. Amazingly, the cars and track still work quit well, even after over 40 years!

(Grandma Jane and Emy drive fast!)

Emy really loved it, but I swear I will not become a NASCAR dad. I don't even like car racing! Also while in Waterloo, Iowa, we sought and scored two good coffee shops for my mother to frequent. She's starving for good coffee since moving down from the Twin Cities, Minnesota. If you're ever in Waterloo/Cedar Falls, and need a good cup, I recommend Vibe Coffee Shop on the University of N. Iowa campus:

And, Cottonwood Canyon, which is run by a Jamaican/St Paul, MN native, who has ties learning the trade in Madison, Wisconsin from Victor of Victor's Celtic Coffee in Redmond, WA. Small world!

Anyway, when we got back home Emy immediately wanted to dig out the Lego collection (they all used to be mine, plus a few recent craigslist and thrift store supplementary purchases).

We've been playing with them each night, well past bedtime. Today I made a coffee shop/pizza bar:

I'm pretty proud of it.

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