
Happy Holidays!

If you haven't yet, surf on over to Bree's blog to read our year-end summary (you know, like a christmas letter, only this one is better - Winter Solstice!)

My mother is in town, after a harrowing flight from Des Moines to Chicago to Seattle. Luckily her flight was able to continue despite the crazy winter weather we've been experiencing. It has snowed every day for eight days, and the temps have stayed below normal, so it has been a lot more like Minnesota and less like Seattle. But we've been making the most of it.

I hate the trainer, so I have been mixing up my exercise between running, shoveling snow, cross-country skiing (even to work), and I rode the cyclocross bike one time last week when the roads were still smooth-covered snow. But now I miss riding, so it is a good thing the snow is disappearing. It will be replaced by much rain, no doubt.

I just finished reading Charles Wheelan's Naked Economics, which was hilarious and informative. I loved it. I hope he also wins Rahm Emanuel's US House seat!

My next post will include:

  • the full year riding and running totals!
  • what I'm reading next
  • some pictures from the Seattle Cyclocross series finale
  • some plans for next year

for now, I am heading to bed.

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